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Can't sleep...

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NoMercy | 04:03 Thu 20th May 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
... so I'm just sat here drinking a mug of ovaltine, wondering if there's anyone online.


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there is nobody here you are all on your own
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morning NoMercy you still in pain
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I'm not actually. I've long believed in the healing properties of wine and curry....
i used to love a good curry but had to have a drink of tea with it
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A cup of tea? To achieve a complete out of body experience, one must imbibe a great deal of alcohol with one's Vindaloo...

So how come you're up so early?
i have a lot of trouble sleeping and only had one sleeping tablet last night.
even a madras is too hot for me these days, my favorite curry was beef madras or chicken rogan josh.
these days i just have a curry from asda.
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I only have trouble sleeping when I've had a drink.

I've amused myself by finding some fabulous new avatars for future use...
when i used to drink i always got a decent sleep, i think the booze relaxed me
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WBM will be along soon with the GMEB thread...

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Can't sleep...

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