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Guiness-A wyzard enigma?

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Garmard | 22:07 Sun 23rd May 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Is it true or an urban myth that Guiness is packed with iron and good for you?


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Very true. They used to prescribe it for pregnant women.
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Cannonballs aren't nearly as good for pregnant women.
..........not so good for you, though, wyz..........
yes, my doctor told me to drink half a pint a day after the birth of my son! I hated it, but did drink it for a couple of weeks, it worked, my iron levels returned to normal!...........
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A tad heavier than Guiness wyzard?
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How are you feeling now wyzard?
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Not the halp pint of Guiness wyz?
Last St Patricks day ... I drank 16 pints of Guinness ... did I have a bad head the next day..?
Do you think it was the loud music in the bar that caused it..?
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The loud music alavahalf as the iron in the Guiness would have enhanced your well-being.
It`s a myth. I remember someone I used to work with 25 years ago being told to drink 1/2 pint of Guinness a day as she was pregnant. There`s hardly any iron in Guinness and you would have to drink about 3 pints a day to get the same iron as is in an egg. Not sure about the B vitamins from the yeast though - but still not a good idea when pregnant. Maybe the myth comes from the old advertising campaign that said "Guinness is good for you"
Drink enough of it and you`ll be sh!tting liquid cannonballs for the next 4 days
You can't phone your mates up and say...Fancy an egg..?
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He probably doesn't feel anything at all at this time of night.

i drank Guiness when I was expecting my daughter but I put on too much weight, had to stop drinking it.
When I had my daughter in 1970 they used to give the mothers a bottle of Milk Stout a day in the maternity hospital.

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Guiness-A wyzard enigma?

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