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Sally Morgan Psychic

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smurfchops | 17:00 Wed 12th May 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
18 Answers
Is she better than Joe Power was on the Derren Brown show ?


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she seems good
I have no idea who Joe Power is...

But having seen Sally Morgan live, I wouldnt pay to go and see her again!
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Why wiggal ?
Who's Sally Morgan? Another 'entertainer'?
Dont know really, just didnt enjoy her as much as the others I have been to see.

Tony Stockwell is by far the best IMO and he is so lovely! Colin Fry is pretty good too, but Dereck Accorah is a complete waste of money! Luckily my mum found out that one for me so I never went!
yep my mum went to see derrick pakora and said he was a pile of poo !!!
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Colin Fry was very good yea, seen him once.
I have seen Tony Stockwell twice and hoping to go and see him again this year if he comes back to St Albans!
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I must admit I always believed in psychics, to a certain degree, but on seeing this on TV and reading this now I'm not so sure.


Sally Morgan seemed good on TV a few years back, I wondered about her live show.
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I would suggest that all of you "belivers" look up "Cold reading" on the internet and then realate it to what you see in these shows.

You should also look very closely at the wording on the tickets when you recive them.
Dave's right. You'll notice that the television shows always put a disclaimer on the screen that says 'This programme is for entertainment purposes only' - or words to that effect.
The way I look at this subject is ,that if it gives some people peace of mind or makes someones passing a little easier to take,then ok BUT what I do object to is the vast sums of money being fleeced out of the general public, filling a hall with 4,000 people a night paying approx £25 a time ,in the hope that they might just be able to contact someone is to say the very least clutching at straws,it is amazing how many of these guys are coming out of the woodwork who ALL seem to have this amazing gift ,that they probably they didn't know they had until they realised that there was so much money to be made ,I used to work with a chap when I was on tour with my band and he could tell people the most amazing things ,I was amazed until he explained that how he achieved this ,so I tried and the results were amazing .I live in Cornwall and I met a chap from Doncaster and after talking to him for a few minutes I had him believing that I had lived around the corner from his house ,all about the town centre, his family, it was amazing I surprised myself ,the thing is people will believe anything that they want to hear and even things they do not want to hear.
Add to this masses of people around them the build up the apprehension ,nerves,added with a little showbiz, humour,dramatic music then a little soothing talk ,then wham Bam it is all over ,gone into the night back to the Holiday Inn with a Large bag of cash and we drive back to our council house in our escort van feeling deflated ,what can we do, well the answer to get the gift ,because if you had the gift you would have seen this coming ..
And one of the reasons for that " for entertainment purposes only" disclaimer is that there is, in the UK, a legal act - The Fraudulent Mediums Act of 1951, under which mediums and spiritualists can be prosecuted if they can be shown to be deliberately attempting to defraud.

This is seen as a bit weak however ( how do you prove intent?), so there are proposals to bring the legislation under the consumer protection act, and mediums and psychics are definitely worried about that idea. I, on the other hand, quilte like the idea :)

Interesting article on this from a couple of years ago;
Joe Power, Derek Accorah, Sally Morgan, they're all frauds. Derren Brown spends his entire career proving that!

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