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Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow....

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Bbbananas | 15:19 Tue 25th May 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
... How many of you men would agree?

And how plumped up would you require them?
And, ideally, how many at night?


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Your listening to Steve Wright.

Just the regular 2 for me (chance would be a fine thing)
I love large Pillows salla, the trouble is when you fall into the gap (Cleavage) you go deaf .........:-)
ladies who have bosoms seldom use them as pillows unless they are uncommonly large.
Question Author
Spot on Dave - we are on the same wavelength (pun intended....) today are we not? xx

Redman - the cleavage roll - you could also suffocate.
Ha Ha, lovely. Home comforts at their best..........
Salla we are indeed. :-)
brim full of asher?
sounds like Cornershop to me, fluff
Who wants to use them as pillows?
Question Author
Men usually dribble all over pillows...
Now you're talking!
Question Author
You men and your dribbles and stains....
I have a lot less washing and odours now I live in a male-free environment. :-)
I'm surprised none asked if you are offering :-)

Hi Salla, how are you?
Surely you're not suggesting us men are messy creatures?
they mould to your shape like a memory foam mattress
Question Author
I'm fine & dandy society.... plumping up my bosoms as we speak (type...)
There was a Woman getting Milk the same time as me yesterday in Morrisons with a very impressive pair. Would have enhanced my Slumberland Bed no end........:-)
Question Author
the fact that it was milk....
T'would have to be a posturepedic to get me to agree to anything red
In this warm weather salla it's difficult to look some of you Ladies in the eye. The warmer the weather the deeper the cleavage. It all hangs out, oh dear I'm getting hot under the collar.....
Boob (Pillow) Fan

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Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow....

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