dr b has captured the facts very well... it took Obama several weeks to even formulate a response and the main topic of that was to assure the American people that BP would foot the enormous costs of cleanup and litigation.
The Governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, has proposed a number of protective devices to be installed along the marsh lands of the Mississippi delta near Grand Isle, Louisiana, and the government took nearly a month to "study" the proposals, only then agreeing to half the number requested and promising funding for only one.
The entire thrust of this administrations response has been to place blame, knowing all the while that BP is the only entity with the knowledge, equipment and men to fix the situation.
Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel said early on in the administration "... never let a good crisis go to waste..." using each one (probably including this one as well) to extend the governments control of resources, businesses and financial resources far beyond our ability to pay for it (especially including Obama's health care scheme)...