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what have you done today to make you go'grrrrrr'

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slinky.kate | 18:04 Sat 05th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
well i broke the wall bracket to hold the shower up,


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bo!!ocks.not botox
That's interesting 4get how did you find out? I come out in itchy red bumps and spots on holiday abroad every year which is the only time I use sun lotion. In UK I don't bother much, tan easily and never get it. I assumed it was the increased heat.
Think you've just answered!
Getting overexciting trying out my new hoover (it's been a quiet day haha) and knocking some of the paintwork on the bannister while trying to hoover the bit in the middle.
sorry kate - I din't realise you were sporting an injury (?)
yer its the oils in normal lotions. X if the kind ladies that were at hotel hadnt have left the allergy stuff id still be non the wiser x
Decided to use my Sander today on some woodwork, halfway thru it decides to disintegrate. Somewhat pee'd of!!!!
Apart from spilling chicken up my front at a bbq, nothing much, it's been a glorious day here today1
Got lunch ready, feeling hungry, my OH rang to say he'd be held up for another 30mins, I had to keep it warm on a warm day!

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