32 teeth of an adult mouth includes wisdoms doesn't it?
If so, I think one is coming through, I alredy have 7 in that quarter of my mouth and it feels as if another is coming. I'm going to the dentist is a couple of weeks anyway but from when you first feel it how long does it take to come through and how painful is it, and how many people have them removed?
I currently have 26 teeth, one fell out and the other two next to where it was closed the gap - if you wanted to know.
Mine started coming through about 22. I have two fully grown and one half way grown. I'm 36. Wasn't too painful except a few days here and there over the years. Took about 10 years to grow though.
Yep. I had just the tip of my tooth appear for a few years. They had growing spurts which was pretty painful. Hurts your gums, cheek bone and eyesocket.....Had a few infections over the years as well as the gum was left open. That is very painful....
Mine started coming though when I was about 18 and I'm now 27 and they haven't fully grown yet but they're not that painful although are growing at an angle so my dentist is keeping a close eye on them and recommended to me to get them removed as it will help me keep clean the teeth next to them better.... I am going to put it off as long as possible though as I can't bear the thought of them removing them while I'm awake!
Nosha I really don't want them out but dentist knows best? That's why I'm going to keep putting it off until he gives up advising me to have them taken out! lol
the dentist knows whats best for his bank balance yes!!!
Leave them in... if they dont cause major trouble....
I had one out - under local... didnt hurt - but I was quite pathetic about it!
He couldnt pull it out with the pliers - cos un-beknown to him - one of the roots was shaped like a U so every time he pulled... it hooked in further!!!
I was crying.. nurse was pinning me down.. he was pulling!!!
Apparently I looked very sorry for myself when I walked out of the room!!! ha ha
they are supposed to come through about the time you achieve wisdom. This is usually in the early teens but obviously some people remain dumb for quite a while.
Mine started in my early 20's they took years to grow through fully and at times were very painfull during flare ups, could only eat liquidized food due to swollen gums - couldn't chew. I'm 41 now.
All 4 straight and healthy dentist said no need to take out as nothing wrong with them.
I wouldn't call myself wiser though ;-)
I was meant to go in December to hospital to have all 4 of mine taken out as they keep giving me grief. But I was scared so didnt!
Mine can be very painful, and with swollen gums and aching, but also normally feel like I am coming down with something for a couple of days before the painful bit kicks in!