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micmak | 15:46 Sat 12th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Can anyone tell me what this means please. I put it into google without success. Though I did find out that chav means. Council housed and violent. I didn't know that either.


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Do you mean ';D' ? This is a wink and a big smile; ':D' is a big smile...........
I wouldn't have defined that as CHAV either, but it's an interesting acronym!
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Thank you both. Does that mean I was right then jackthehat about the village in Northants.
I didn't realise ^ that was the sign you were meaning..............

Yes, you were correct, micmak :o)
I thought chav was a well dressed young man
come to cheltenham mic...absolutley loads of the lazy little chavvy W. ankers here!

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