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Question for Salabananas: Bearing in mind what I said Johnny said about you...

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merciasounds | 13:40 Wed 16th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
...have you seen any more of 31, DD gorgeous, nice eyes, pert bum?


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Nah... and it would be a bit degrading to go chasing I suppose. THough I do have his address & particulars.. ;-)

I will have to ring him in a couple of weeks. Absolute necessity.
can you last a few weeks?
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Is it true what Johnny said about you?!!!!
I'll have gone off him and onto someone else by then !!!
I have fads. I've never grown beyond the age of 14 in that respect.

Fluff - I have to say, I just love your profile pic. It is enough to 'turn' a woman!!
Oh merci - has Johnny been spilling the beans? He promised me he would not kiss and tell ;-)
i put it up just for you

i think i might get told off by the ed though :-(
Nah - I shall think less of the Ed if he removes it..... it's bl00dy brilliant !
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Mark as Best AnswerReport This(12:00 on Wed 16/Jun/10)
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They have a house in Somerset, my hubby had discussions with Vanessa (My hubby is a director of Sony Music (Europe) and we went down there - Johnny had been teaching his daughter to swim, he came in wet....

yes, he DID mention you....he said something about 'insatiable, incredible, phenominal, stupendous....acrobatic (at this stage I was blushing) and something about sheer wanton athletiscism....but it been a forbidden love...I said I understood to save further embarrassment... (mine!!)
I. Am. Speechless.
That's a first....
Tell me more about the "coming in all wet".....
i knew it

paramedics on standby
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He'd been teaching 8 year old Lily-Rose to swim. His daughter was delightful (not!) 'Who the f*ck are you'? she asked us sullenly. He just gave her a look and said her name sharply, and Vanessa told her to go upstairs and change.
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Oh sorry, his hair was wet, and he had a few droplets on his naked torso....he was wearing old denim cut-offs
You lucky lucky lucky person.....

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