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Birthday Card to Australia.

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trt | 15:16 Wed 16th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Instead of having to queue up in our Main Post Office for 30 minutes (all our sub ones been closed down) to post a B/Card to Australia, can I just put plenty of stamps on it and post in a postbox?


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send one via moonpig instead
Or Fattypuff - they offer a similar service.
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Thanks but I have the card ready to post but the main post office is a nightmare for service.
Salla, you can go on the royal mails website and see how many stamps you would need, my mum has a sheet printed out but I can't work it out. She only send books . . . but aha I think i've worked it out . . .no , the weights she's got on it start at 340 grams.
There should be a table somewhere with weights and prices per letter to europe or rest of world.
Gee - thanks molly xx
(I think that should have been for trt....!)

that should be the right link, you can then work out how many stamps it requires.
oh yeah
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Thanks Molly, worked it out from chart, its about £1.40, much cheaper than queuing at the post office.
I only go into our local post office when I have to. Whenever I have a letter that's not basic first or second, I weigh it on my kitchen scales, and then look up the royal mail website and see what the postage is for the weight and/or size. Ditto for letters going abroad. Easy peasy .....
You can even print out the postage and pay for it by card on the Royal Mail website. I always do when sending mail abroad that way I don't need to keep loads of stamps.

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Birthday Card to Australia.

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