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Ladies would you go out with an ugly man who was loaded, or an absolutely Drop dead gorgeous guy

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merciasounds | 14:29 Thu 17th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
who was broke (both would be faithful to you, but you can only choose one or the other...


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I find a lot of people with money very up themselves which is not attractive.
So true ummmm, my ex had money but he was a total elbow
Same as mine...wouldn't mind but he gained his wealth through a business we set up together and then started walking round like he had millions.
You wouldn't want to go out with me. I'm so ugly, when I was born the mid-wife slapped my mother.
Whats ugly though? It's very rare for me to find someone attractive (men that is) until I know them.
All of my husbands were quite well off..............just proves money isn't everything.
ugly = physically unattractive

It's not rocket science is it?
No it's not Joe....but what you find attractive/unattractive is not the same as everyone else.

Forgive me though...I know you think everyone should think as you do..!
Did ugly did georgeous, ugly was broke georgeous had a massive inheritance ugly made me laugh.... nuff said
If the chemistry is right then I would go out with a bloke whether he was flat bloke or loaded. And the chemistry being right doesn't mean drop dead gorgeous - far from it. What's ugly to one person is perhaps OK to another. Drop dead gorgeous people are usually quite boring, they don't have to work hard at their personalities and I hate vain people with a vengeance.
thats pretty much my feeling on the subject also lottie ;)
:o) Cazz. I might though, just might consider a date with Daniel Craig just to find out whether he is boring or not!!

Chemistry between two people is something that can't be explained and to me I wouldn't go out with anybody if there wasn't just a hint of the right chemistry. Chance would be a fine thing though. I haven't been out on a date for nearly 40 years!!!
Its irrelevant to me whether people are pretty or rich. As long as they are nice and treat people they way they deserve to be treated then that's good for me. I generally am not attracted to pretty boys anyway, I like older men!
It's agood thing NoM, isn't interested as i'm both ugly and broke :(
Depends what their personalities were like. You could have a gorgeous guy who was dead boring, but an ugly guy who made you laugh and kept you happy.
sorry to go off thread but what a pretty cat tizzi is she yours?

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Ladies would you go out with an ugly man who was loaded, or an absolutely Drop dead gorgeous guy

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