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bibblebub | 14:06 Fri 25th Jun 2010 | Internet
9 Answers
Has this been introduced into the latest Firefox update?

For a long time I have been visiting in Firefox without any problems and suddenly the site invokes dire warnings of the end of the world because someone at sometime has reported it.

Personally I don't believe it and am willing to take the risk but since there doesn't seem to be a way to allow individual sites through, you have to disable checking for ALL sites.

Since I've never come across until now, is this completely new? Or has it been around for ages, with the warning that I am getting for liveportontv a real indication that there is a new problem with that site?


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I have just been there ...
This is the report .. like I said ...
Quote ...

Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware?

Over the past 90 days, appeared to function as an intermediary for the infection of 2 site(s) including,

Has this...
14:36 Sat 26th Jun 2010
Question Author
Do you know if this blocking of sites is new to FF3.6.4, the latest update from a few days ago?
I am using 3.6.4 and have not noticed a difference.
Are you referring to "block attack sites" setting?
Question Author
Yes (it says 'block REPORTED attack sites').

I haven't made any changes to any of those settings in ages which is what makes me presume that it's something new that's been implemented in the latest release.
I would think that site has had some problems ... with resident infections or something.
I bet it disappears eventually.
I have just been there ...
This is the report .. like I said ...
Quote ...

Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware?

Over the past 90 days, appeared to function as an intermediary for the infection of 2 site(s) including,

Has this site hosted malware?

No, this site has not hosted malicious software over the past 90 days.

How did this happen?

In some cases, third parties can add malicious code to legitimate sites, which would cause us to show the warning message.
This might work .. might not! ....

Question Author
Thanks, I have seen that already.

My instinct is to trust the site more than I trust that blocker because, as Chuck has put in his posting, other checks (also WOT) reckon that it's ok. I've also been using it for at least a couple of years without any problems.

And so, since that setting is a check for all sites or none, I've switched it off. I wouldn't mind having it on for unknown sites that I come across but it doesn't allow for individual sites to be exempted.

But has this check been included in the 3.6.4 release for the first time?
Don't think so, no.
I have seen the odd warning over the last year.

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