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micmak | 18:10 Sat 26th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I thought these were about in September not June. I have had three in the kitchen today. Any thoughts?


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The seasons are all to pot, they must have come out earlier now it's warm.
Nope, no thoughts, infact I think i can safely say ive not given them a thought so far (apart from now that is)

Perhaps they're ordinary spiders on stilts.
are they international stewey, do you get them there?
Yes, we do. Actually, they're from the States; they sort of just hop across the border.
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They are not spiders Stewey, spiders can't fly. Their proper name is Crane Fly and they are a nuisance.
We call them Harvestmen as well.
They think we're a nuisance too mikmak, keep messing up their houses just as they've got them tidy.
My apologies just googled that^ and harvestmen are long legged spiders.
bring a box of them too then gran, it'll be something for the frogs to eat while we're tucking into the volleyvants.
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Harvest, as in September Gran. So why are they here in June. I don't buy it, that it's warm so they have arrived early. It's always warm in June.
It's not always this warm in June, I've spent some miserable cold wet days in Bridlington and Scarborough in June. But it is early for crane flies.
We have had loads of daddy long legs,i just put them outside no problem

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