I use cheese (strong cheddar), a blob of butter, a sprinkle of flour, Worcestershire sauce, mustard powder and cider. I just mush it all together and spread it on a split, toasted bread roll and grill it. Sometimes I have it with a bit of salad. (Wish I'd had that for tea now.)
Grated cheese, beer, mustard and seasoning - mix it all up in a bowl into a sort of lumpy paste, then spread it on the pre-made toast and grill it 'til the cheese sizzles and bubbles. You won't need a whole bottle/can of beer, so you may as well drink what's left as an accompaniment to the meal.
I just remember the bairns doing that Kate and they just called it eggy bread but suppose it was french toast on reflection-wasnt my taste have to say.
just got hold of my ex,his mother used
strong cheddar
cornflour to thicken
no booze as it was for the kids
she put it into a container and everyone just helped themselves and spread it on there own toast,it was great sitting at the table with the family
Melt butter in top of double boiler. Add beer (minus 1 tablespoon) and cheese. Mix seasonings with 1 tablespoon beer and add to cheese. Stir in egg. Serve over toast and tomato slices.
oops,. sorry kate, I didn't see this one last night - ttfn suggesting I can cook?!...I didn't rise to the call! but actually no, this is not one of my talents. Cheese beanos, egg banjos, yes - but I can't think the last time I had Welsh rarebit - I'd forgotten that I like it!
My old mum used to do eggy bread for us when we were under the weather - also milk fried bread, anyone remember that? As I recall (with a memory from er...60 years ago) she would dip bread soldiers in milk to soak them, pan fry them, then sprinkle them with caster sugar.