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should i belt the little runt?

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Mick-Talbot | 15:50 Sat 24th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
My 7 year old has his head on, he has just been fetched back from his grandparents because he climbed on top of the freezer in the garage.
I made him sit on a bench in the garden so i can keep an eye on him.
after 5 mins he came to me and said

'dad i'm bored can i have a proper punishment.'
'like what son?'
'hit me'
'then what?'
well that's my punishment done and i can go play.



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Because i am in the garden with a cement mixer running that ok with you?
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The old 'uns are the best. [:o)
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Well get him to help you with the cement mixing and teach him a few things.
Just make sure you don't get any cement on the laptop, Mick - or we'll send you to sit on the naughty bench with him. [:o)
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For Funks Sake its getting worse. his older brother has just come home and asked why he has to sit where he is sat.

'get lost tw@@t '

oldest just told me and spelt out the word t w a t.
the -little-un heard all this and has just said to me

dad do you know what he said? then proceeded to try and spell t w a t

he said ....................t- a- a tw@@t
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I had that avatar in my gravatar account, Sigma. I just never used it. lol

You certainly don't seem to have control of your kids, have you thought about some help from the social services?
I forgot to add, I would never call my child a runt!
The "Dad I'm bored" complaint Implies that the punishment you dished out worked IMO.
"Little runt" doesn't sound like a term used by a loving father though - I hope that's just your sense of humour.

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should i belt the little runt?

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