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Greedyfly | 13:43 Mon 26th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all you Answerbankers who wished me good luck and casted spells

I got the job!

Yay, incredibly relieved and excited... Thanks for all your support guys.

GF xx


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This is the BEST news!!!! I'm so pleased for you pet - things will be on the up for you now!! Mercia XXXX
Brilliant news. Well done lass! x
Congrats to you - hope you will be happy in your new job. xxxx
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Thanks guys...

Sorry to hear that Jan, hope yours gets better soon. I do sympathise.
Greedy, Many congratulations, well done.
Well done you.

Onwards and upwards!

well done greedy, thats great news!!! I'm really pleased for you, no more being glum about life, enjoy !!! xx
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How did your interview go 4get?
Well done Greedy xxx
Good news for a change -very pleased for you :)
Ok I spose :-)
Question Author
Lol try and keep positive. I know it's hard. I have been so worried thee last few months, it has taken way to long for me to get a job.

You never know. The good sign is that they scouted you!
Sincere congratulations -- onward and upward now !!!!
Brilliant Greedy. Well Done You xxx

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