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Missed you all today.....

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rowanwitch | 18:41 Mon 26th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Looks like things were pretty quiet...apart from the good news that is...
if anyone wants to catch me up on anything else that happened...I know the best beloved and Mercia have been plotting...(.not in my linen sheets we won't)


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Plotting, moi? (Hopes you can't see crossed fingers behind back!) Gives you big grin!!XXXX
What a mysterious post !

Well, I'm having a glass of fizz. It was all I had chilled in the fridge. The Pinot Grigio has gone in to cool down a bit.

I'll watch this threead to see where it goes.

In the meantime ... up yer bum !

Hmmm pinot grigio..think i'll pop to jj's haha
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Mercia I swear you have been casting your own love spells....
refering to the chocolate body paint requested by a certain male when on the menu thread, I posted a recipe.....
suezy ... it needs a while to chill down.

I'm quite enjoying this Prosecco, but it feels odd drinking fizz on your own.
well - guilty as charged!! Doesn't hurt.....!!
watch it rowan or candy kisses will be on the menu tmrw.
Does either of you have a wet room per chance?
If not - then LoftyLottie does a damn good wash - but you might not get the linen back
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He's a devil he really is...I have laughed so much since we made 'a connection'
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Oh glad you posted ttfn, Tinkerbella sends you purrs, she also wanted to send you a very nice furr-ball but I didn't think you'd appreciate it
I used to have them all the time rowan (well my feline friends actually........)
thank tinkerbella for me
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Mercia then I have to say I am very very grateful
I will be around to your Hotel room shortly rowan, do what you wish with me but please be gentle and read your mail ! Jogger Jayne knows what it's like to feel lust is in the air.
"lust is in the air" ??

Is that another "cable car" reference ???????
Am now well into Pinot Grigio ...

Fizz bottle gone out for recycle thingy.

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Missed you all today.....

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