Question Author
13 points - london_lassy
9 points - lysander
8 points - wickedtongue, Chiefpanda, Prescott, & cpfcrosiel
7 points - cliffyg, crofter, Magyar, MrsE & Rose Maybud
6 points - MrO & stevie
5 points - beejay1124, Elspeth, grannydi, patchett, ShazzaHewat, chriss & seekeerz
The Free Fall Club, having lost it's chief cook and bottlewasher is now down to 7 members, who after the demise of their leader, may decide the whole thing's not worth the trouble, but that remains to be seen - next week will tell the story so watch this space !!! and before I get shot down by the above mentioned, I shall leave !!!
...till then,.... Steff