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Do you think anything major is going to happen in the future?

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flobadob | 22:17 Tue 27th Jul 2010 | Society & Culture
26 Answers
As in changing the path of our existence. And if so, when?


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Lot's of computers were suppose to crash the minute we went into 2000.....

Mine didn't :-)
''britney spears released her first song''

That was the end of the world as far as I was concerned...
Someone on here will ask a sensible question, instead of 'if i look at the sun will i go blind'? 'why are traffic lights green'? and be able to spell correctly. lol
I think everything comes to an end, our life, civilization, many species, it is a matter of when.I suppose you could include all life, the universe. Think about it hasn't everything come to an end, eventually. Each day, each week, etc. Your life as you know it now, everything changes, the seasons, the sky, pre-historic life, modern life is on its way, a question of only "when." I hope I don't sound too pessimistic.
I might as well add what we have to worry about, overpopulation, famines, the Yellowstone Caldera, other cataclysmic volcanos, nuclear bombs, mutant viruses/bacteria, bacterial warfare,. Did I leave anything out?
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

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Do you think anything major is going to happen in the future?

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