It's a good time of the year to buy fresh beets... we raise a lot ourselves, but most farmer's markets have them. If you can get them (at least 5 pounds) take them home, but don't cut the tops off. Once home cut the tops off but be sure to leave about 2 inches of the greens... don't cut the root end either. After washing them, prepare a large pot that will hold them all and fill about half way with good, clear water. Place the beets in the water and bring to a simmering boil for at least 1/2 hour. the beets should be fork tender. Now, ladle them out into a sink or pan of cold water. The skins will then slip off readily and as the skins come off cut the leafy ends off about an inch into the root. Cut the root ends off about the same. Place them back into the pot and simmer for another half hour. Most of the beets will have turned a pale red or even white while they've 'bled' out and what you have remaining in the pot is almost pure beet juice. You can home can it if you want to save some for the futre or it will keep for quite a while in the fridge...
By the way, the tops make an excellent salad or cooked with a little vinegar they're every bit as good as spinach.
None of this is as hard as I have probably made it sound....