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UK's triumphant athletics stars

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sp1814 | 20:44 Mon 02nd Aug 2010 | News
8 Answers
With so many posts bemoaning British immigrants, shouldn't we shouting quite loudly (and proudly) at the achievements of these fine young athletes:

Whaddya say? Do these young stars make you feel proud to be British? I know there are those who race to their keyboards whenever there's a story about black 'savages'...doesn't the stories of these young men and women deserve equal exposure here?

Or would it make more sense to keep quiet in anticipation of the next stabbing/shooting story?


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yes they've done brilliantly. not sure what it's got to do with immigrants though.
Well, lets see... probably the 2 most high profile winners for the UK were Jessica Ennis, the heptathlete, and of course Mo Farah, who managed to win golds in both 10000 and the 5000m.

Jessicas Dad was originally from Jamaica, and Mo Farah of course was a very young emigrant from Somalia.

It does make a very pleasant change to see a positive, triumphalist story ,rather than the soul destroying drip drip Daily Fail negative stories about immigrants/minorities
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See LazyGun's response for the link.
^^^^ killjoy -we are all multi faceted but I can honestly say I was ever so proud of the young blood coming through.I am very proud of them and have been singing their praise all weekend !!!
They may have done Britain proud but the countries they have left behind are the losers.

Its not aid we should be sending these countries but stop the poaching of their skilled workforce including doctors, nurses and the like.
Poaching? Are they forced to come here then? I was under the impression they came voluntarily.
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Couldn't have put it better myself birdie1971.

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UK's triumphant athletics stars

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