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Not Sure Where To Stick This

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bobjugs12 | 09:26 Wed 04th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
It's not really news as such, and to be honest, such a totally mental case needs to be mercilessly reviled!


What's your opinions of this 'thing'?
Personally, I think she should have the kids taken off her, as she is clearly unhinged.


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Read it yesterday -could almost have been a wind-up except it wasnt :(
Words for once fail me...
Not sure where to stick it? It's the Sun. In the recycling bin along with the Daily Mail.
It was also in The Express yesterday. They didn't go into so much details though.

There's not that can be said really....poor kids.
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The case for Eugenics is strengthened by stories like this.
Agree....legoland is rubbish...but it's not that bad...!!!!
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Gingejbee, I only used the Sun, as it was that paper that gained an interview with her. I've also seen it mentioned on other papers, and on the radio last night
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Butch, I actually agree. In my opinion the only use for her is as a self-propelled mine-clearance device!
Bobjugs12 you would be quite surprised at how many followers serial killers and various nutcases have especially female ones. Ive seen many programs about women that write to prisoners visit and even marry serial killers rapists etc.. many are even on deathrow. I've always been interested in the psychology of these women as this isn't normal behaviour. The women in your link is a racist twisted ghoul and as sick as it is she can feel free to worship or mourn who she wants my only issue is why involve the kids and teach them that following loving a psychopath is a good thing? If here kids grow up to also be police hating violent criminals then who has she got to blame except herself for this?
She is not the type to blame herself. It would be societies fault...or the fact she wasn't paid enough benefits.
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Perhaps we could have done society a favour and chucked her in the oven with Moat?
It's like shooting fish in a barrel isn't it?

Bob, this sort of story is designed to wind people up - and it works every time - but let's juyst think a little bit.

Journalist to woman - "Do you think Moat loved his girlfriend?"

Woman to journalist - "I am sure he thought what he did was the best, although personally i think it was a terrible thing."

Journalist - "Do you think he is a good role nodel?"

Woman - "I am sure he is .. what's a role model? I don't understand the question."


It really is that easy - to take a person of low intelligence and feed them leading qeustionfs, from which you take selected secftions and put them together.

No doubt this woman is not very bright, or indeed very nice, but there are thousands of people like this around, and it's an easy way to pump up the self-righteous majority on a slow news day.

Ignore it - you'll feel much better.

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