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Can this savage religion ever be acceptible?

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R1Geezer | 13:55 Tue 10th Aug 2010 | News
48 Answers
Then kill even their own relatives over some percieved "dishonour". Does anyone find this part particularly chilling?
"....However, it is claimed Gul Wazir and his wife thought the match was unsuitable for a number of reasons..."? Err what about their respective nephews/neices? did they consider that they might like a say in whether or to whom they are married? Barbarism pure and simple!


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Yep, just as I said. Never mind Keyplus. Perhaps one of these days someone will ask you a question that you're not too embarrassed to answer.
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Here we are talking about GIRLS or WOMEN BEING KILLED ONLY FOR MARRYING SOMEONE PARENTS DO NOT LIKE. It’s your problem if you believe that a verse from Quran that TALKS ABOUT ADULTERY AND NOT MARRIAGE is behind that. As far as Muslims are concerned then these two scenarios have no link whatsoever. All the well known Scholars in Islam agree with the verse in case of second scenario (ADULTERY) but you will not find a single who would look at (HONOUR KILLING) in the light of your given verse. Because very simply there is no honour in killing your own children for something you do not agree with.

However if I agree with your ASSUMPTION then which Quran is influencing minds of HINDU, SIKH and even CHRISTIANS because no one can say that this malpractice is only among Muslims? As far as I know it is cultural issue, mainly in very remote areas or among people from remote areas even if they have now moved to the cities of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, African countries, Europe and USA or anywhere else.

If my disagreement with your opinions makes you believe that I am un-reasonable or insulting then that is naive thinking and nothing I can do to avert that.
Naomi – Perhaps one day I will see you not being embarrassed in accepting that someone has given you a reasonable and acceptable answer. Because so far in TWO and HALF years I have seen so many people saying that. And everyone on AB knows that you have this complex and some sort of guilt in your build that you spend so much time in this wrestling ring known as AB that you have in your mind MARKED it as your area. Fortunately many others just take it as opinion sharing website.
Ha ha! Those damned western women eh? Why won't they know their place? Like Birdie, I also continue to hope you approach future discussions in a more mature manner than you have in the past. A futile hope, yes, experience tells me so, but never mind. I'm an optimist. ;o)
////Ha ha! Those damned western women eh? Why won't they know their place?////
Exactly as I thought. For few people admitting that others are better equipped is a matter of defeat, or destruction of self-esteem. Then what they do? They label themselves as representatives of a whole community just as ^^^^^. However I must say that fortunately all the Western women are not like that and many do not feel defeated in admitting that others have given a better response. I know that very well so do you, and that is the real sad bit.
Keyplus, what on earth are you talking about?
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