Hotmail Problem in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Hotmail Problem

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billy bear | 10:51 Sun 22nd Aug 2010 | Technology
4 Answers
I cannot get into my hotmail in box. I am just getting to a page that says "sign in". When I try to sign in it asks for a my windows live ID and password which I don't understand at all. I'm a real novice at computing and I wonder if anyone could help.
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it wants your hotmail email address and the password to go with it.
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Thank you for replying. I have put my e-mail address in, as I thought it might be this, then I have asked for a new password as I cannot remember if I ever had one. It then states it can use my location or e-mail to send new password. As I cannot access the e-mail I answer the location questions. It then states it can't use my location as incorrect information has been entered too many times. I have only tried once today as I thought it might be the three strikes and you're out principle.
billy bear I know just how you feel - can't help you with a solution but don't worry, the computer aces on this site are brilliant and so willing to share and help out. won't be too long before one of them sorts your problem then you'll beemailing away to your heart's content.
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I have tried what has been suggested without success. Is there anyone out there who can help further please?

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