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JJ, what the hell were you drinking last night???

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karenmac60 | 18:40 Wed 25th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Can I have some? ;)


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sorry, it's all gone.
Oh, hey Karen x

I went out for dinner with some pals, and we got a bit trolleyed.


I know, I know ... if I switched off the lappy when I went out, then I wouldn't be tempted to play on AB when I got back.

Rather more modest outing tonight. Just a few voddies in a quiet pub.

Hope you're well, up in the Arctic Circle.

J x
But did you have a Bloody Mary jj, with chopped tomatoes?
drink is bad for yuo
I think the lumpy bits would be pretty ghastly, Jan.
True jj but at least you could say you had eaten as well as had a drink. I love a Bloody Mary with plenty of Worcester sauce and tabasco.
tomatoe juice not lumpy
Ya, me too, Jan.

I get cartons of tom juice called Sunraysia from Waitrose. I like it because it's not as thick as most tom juice. It makes fab B Marys.

Hello, Xaviour. =0)
yuk....sqeezed tampons
Not wild about them, then, Tambo ?

omg feel sick
only through a straw in a container hiding the contents.....or wretch
thats soo wrong
wanna jam sandwich xav

I'll get me coat
Night, guys ...

Be good !

J x
Question Author
Oh to be so full of love and happiness and posting again at the back of 7am! I would probably have been fighting with someone and then being sick :) Oh, and the eskimos up here say Hi! ;) x

I just get giggly, and a bit loud, and sometimes trip over.

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JJ, what the hell were you drinking last night???

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