partner on abh charge at crown court!!! in The AnswerBank: Law
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partner on abh charge at crown court!!!

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tori123 | 22:34 Tue 31st Aug 2010 | Law
27 Answers
basically my partner and i had a huge fight over my jealousy, and it led to us hitting each other and i provoked him we throw some very personal insults at each other and my patner tried to suffocate me. police came he was arrested sent to magistrates court remanded in prison til trail at crown next week. he has previous convictions for common assault on my self also. i feel so guilty because we are still together and i need help and so does he but dont want him to get long sentence, is there anything i can do to get him a lesser sentence even though he has pleaded guilty??
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'She said they were hitting each other....'

They all say that when trying to justify violence in a relationship
'Oh but your honour, I did breathe wrong' 'I did slap his face'
Been there, seen it, done it myself and definitely got the t-shirt

OP is trying her hardest to justify sticking by the nutter she is with, she will NEVER be able to do that she just needs to realsiee and get away
I totally agree with you pink-kittens.
You and your partner are both mega-losers. Please do us all a favour and don't reproduce.
Not always pink kittens. Not always.
i agree with everyone here, get away...

but i can see you wont take any notice of that advice...so...

you say he is getting help inside...thats good, but perhaps a longish sentence will actually do more good than harm...?

helping him get off is not teaching him a lesson and is showing him he can do what he likes an get off with it...and that you will forgive him anything..that will not make for a happy future for either of you...

if you must stick by him, do that...but let him take his punishment...
do nothing to help him get a lighter sentence ...show him his actions have consequences.
the best thing for him will be to have the fear of losing you, and of reality of prison to make him knuckle down and work hard to control himself in future

in the long run, you will benefit because his therapy and punishment will make him think twice before doing it again...
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i really thank ummmm and joko for your thoughts and his solicitor is going to explain that we have choosen to stay together and that we are both independantly recieving help but he is still looking at 2 years! i take your point the time apart and getting help seperately is for the best. for all of you that say dont go back, and im an idiot thats fine its your views, but i am that women who doesnt let him walk away i have to have the last say and all the control. good news is im in sessions now to help with my problems.
Good luck....

I kind of guessed you were the type that wouldn't let him walk away. It was the word 'jealousy'

People should remember. before they judge, that everyone has a breaking point. Don't push people to break point if you're going to cry when they reach it.

I am not condoning violence in any way...

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partner on abh charge at crown court!!!

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