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joggerjayne | 09:31 Mon 13th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
... and silence.

Phooooooooooooo ...

(that's my "wind blowing across the desert" noise)


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are you saying its quiet today jj ?x
I think they they all forgot to get up.
Question Author
Quiet ?

Is it quiet ??

I've seen more activity in Eastbourne !!!
ok party at yours then???
Question Author
Ya, why not.


I've not got any urgent work this morning ...

(which is why I'm here, pestering everone).
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"I've seen more activity in Eastbourne"

Actually ... that's SO not true !
we need a quiz type thread !!!!
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We need all the Q&P guys (the only busy section at the moment) to post an Ashley.
-- answer removed --
the Q&P guys are trying to work out why all their posts are going into Weather
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Cripes, EDDIE ...

In Eastbourne, you can get thrown out of a pub for eating your crisps too loudly !

I'm surprised they didn't beat you to death with their walking sticks.
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Aaah, jno ... maybe that's today's puzzle !

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