Black beetles in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Black beetles

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Robinia | 22:43 Sat 10th Sep 2005 | Home & Garden
2 Answers

For the past few nights I've been finding one or two black beetles in the house.  I'm pretty sure that they're Devil's Coach horses.  They seem only to be a garden beetle so are they simply coming in or could they actually be living in the house??  I hope not!

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I doubt it robinia..they are probably looking for somewhere to snuggle up now it is getting near winter....specially if you have the doors open in this sultry weather.Warm and dull here today.The evenings are drawing in and you have to have the lights on but it's still so warm I have to have the doors and windows open.
So we get all sorts of undesirables at the moment..bloomin' daddy and his long legs and I have never had so many ruddy flies indoors.I am getting quite paranoid about them.I sent Mr S. after some fly spray this morning ..but none to be had anywhere.I think it's that time of year.perhaps a sign that cooler weather is on the way.

Devils Coach Horse
Woods, hedges, parks and gardens across Europe. Often found in damp outhouses.
Food / Habits

Nocturnal predator with powerful jaws. Feeds on slugs and other invertebrates. When under threat, the beetle raises its tail and opens its jaws.
I'm not much help I know.......it's all that nostalgia.!!

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Thanks shaneystar, it's nice to have some reassurance.  I don't mind too much as long as they're not planning on moving in, it just seemed a bit odd that I'm seeing them so often!  Mind you I don't fancy being nipped, I'm allergic to most insect bites. You're right about daddy long legs, I've hardly had any for the past few years but they're making up for it at the moment.

You were lucky to get away with warm & dull yesterday(sat) - it rained all day here & was almost dark at 6.30!!....grumble....mumble...creak...

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