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Well time to get up since my neighbour is :(

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Dris | 12:00 Sun 03rd Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
She's started on her 60 fags a day and my bedroom is stinking of fag reek now-o well suppose she's doing me a favour.

Was going to Perth but luckily my daughter is as lazy this morning as me so result !!!


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see dris. no one bothered to reply to your post.
That's vile dris, I hate the smell of fag smoke.
Bog off, Poods.

Dris... you been in bed all this time ya lazy mare? ;-)
you know what some of them Scots are like...........

;-0 !!
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Aw anne -I knew you wouldnt be able to resist breaking the duck since you follow me around here cos we are bessie AB mates xxx

Hate the smell (im reformed one of the worst lol) boxy

NoM -I love my bed more than I love anne and thats saying something ;)
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oi Yankee -I heard that - bet you thought I was up tee hee :) x
its a sunday i felt sorry for you, but ok now your girlfriends are around.
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I know you are anne -missing you already g/f xx
I'm up dris, but still in my PJs.
Isn't pood i a scot...there's all kinds I guess.... ;-)
some are temporarily in exile...

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Well time to get up since my neighbour is :(

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