Lions in captivity is absolutely disgraceful and this footage just goes to show what could happen. I'm glad that knowone got hurt as it appears, but a lesson learned i hope.
Unfortunatly, this will still go on around the world but it should be banned now IMO
I feel sorry for the lions and the audience. People working with dangerous animals should know that they are in the line of attack at all times. I did think it quite funny to see the other big male lions sitting on his wee podium with his back to the carnage, just peeking round to take a wee look from time to it isnt wise to have so many Male Adult lions in the one place at the same time. That would not be the order of things if they were in the wild, or am I wrong..
I can understand in years gone by, pre television and cheap travel, why people would want to go to the circus to see wild animals because there was no other way of seeing them in the flesh. However, in this modern age there is no reason to keep these magnificent beasts in the way that they do.
As someone who has been attacked savagely by the lion's domestic cousin I should have sympathy for the guy.
But - nah!
Big cats have no place in a circus - they should be out prowling their territory and doing 'lion stuff'. They should be enjoying themselves as much as possible before us humans destroy the planet.