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Overheard in Tesco

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McMouse | 10:09 Tue 12th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
At the check out a couple were arguing about whose turn it was to pay.

The person on the till heard the woman say to the guy, "Stop being a broccoli."

With a questioning look the assistant asked, "What's a broccoli?"

Without missing a beat the woman responded, "Short for scrotum. He is somewhere between a prick and an @rsehole."


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broccoli = scr ote
-- answer removed --
No.I don't understand either?sorry.
How can broccoli be short for scrotum when broccoli has three syllables and scrotum only two?
I assume the swear filter has replaced broccolli for the word "s c r o t e"
Scr0te is changed to broccoli by the swear filter...
It does - I just tried it! Wow, how clever!
hahahaha! i was confused too till i read the thread
I see. It's starting to make sense now.
Ahhhh...but IS it the swear filter at work here....or did the woman actually say 'broccoli'?....maybe it was an AB couple...psml
All this censorship McM, has slightly taken the humorous point out of your post.... ;-)
I would never consider scr0te to be a swear word deserving of being filtered. Nor does broccoli put me in mind of one. A prune, perhaps.
I would have thought it was common lingo, I'm surprised the checkout girl never heard it before.
What is the new McFly song called.
Thank you all


Ball bag

Ah!! so we can say scrotum but not Scr0te
mcfly have outdone themselves in naming their new tune

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Overheard in Tesco

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