I think it depends on the friends - how sensitive they are, how secure you are with the friendship and how likely they are to throw a strop if they don't get their way. I have friends that I feel obligated to do things with even though I don't want to - they're usually newer friends that I'm not sure how they would react, or friends I know well and know they would take the huff. On the other hand, with my best friends I will do what suits me most of the time as will they and there'll be no hard feelings. I do the pleasing thing a lot less than I used to though, I think as you get older you are less inclined to waste your time on spoilt people. I think maybe friend #1 is as unsure of friend #2 as you are. Maybe she thinks you are different round #2 as well. It'll settle down as you become more comfortable with her and get to know how she'll react to things.