i am a total dog lover and think the ban imposed is a very good idea however i think
these days its to easy to get a dog and, lots of dogs who bite ect is down to rubbish training, bring back the dog licence and make it compulsory to train your dog !!!!!
to many chavs with pit bull type dogs who havent got a clue how to handle them !!!!!!!!
Sorry but I strongly disagree. These are exactly the sort of people who would not buy a licence or train their dogs! Look at how many people don't tax their cars - how would you police it? It would be the responsible paying and then irresponsible not paying. I still say make it illegal to sell a puppy (or give one away) without them having a breeders licence and make that expensive. Also make it illegal to get a puppy from an unlicensed breeder.
i understand what yur saying about people slipping through the net not paying fines, they would need to make fines large for not having one
or custodial sentances