I imagine so Raggy, I think they'd call it independence day.
I feel that the troops who served there are more than happy to give credit to Colonial troops (I've never heard anyone speak badly of the Gurkhas) but there is I fear a degree of white wash in the recording of our victory.
Given that within a little over twenty years after their sacrifices for us, we had Enoch Powell prophesising rivers of blood, given that the Muslim is now portrayed in the media as our misfortune, then it's an imperitive of all right minded people to point just what they've done for us.
Before you know it we'll be hearing Muslims don't fight in our wars, they sit behind the scenes puling the strings, forcing nations into war, to fulfil their aims of world domination, whilst we're at war the Muslim enemies of the state sit waiting to to stab us in the back.
We've heard it all before, it's only the villain that changes, they were wrong then and it's wrong now.
We all need to fight rabid reactionary prejudice from whatever creed or colour, the only way to do it is with openness, respect, courtesy and decency, that in itself marginilises the lunatic fringe.
The best place to start is a historical, as opposed to a hysterical, narritive of our shared history, respect were it's due and apologies were it's appropiate.