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Sky HD. Is it worth it?

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Count-A-Strong | 09:19 Mon 15th Nov 2010 | Technology
10 Answers
We have a Hitachi 42" tv and the picture is generally excellent (1080p ready). Sky are offering HD for £10 a month with a free box and free self set up (?) plus 50 days free. Will the picture quality be noticeably better? i.e. Is it worth it?


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I say yes, it is worth it as long as it's all connected properly so you do actually get a HD picture.

(half the people that say they can't see a difference haven't got everything connected correctly so they are not getting HD)
it's important to make sure you connect box to screen with hdmi cable.Ron.
Yeah it is a must and i love it. Go for it!!
Question Author
Thanks everyone. Where can i get a cheap HDMI cable?
Yep, as Ron says, Amazon...

A £2 cable will give exactly the same results as a £80 cable

(I love having this argument with shop staff, none of them have been able to explain how exactly you get clearer 1s or 0s with an expensive cable)
yes, its fantastic - it will change your viewing dramatically!
I agree with the cable thing. I used to work for a company called IXOS, who specialise in media cables. You should see the amount of money they flog these things off for and when you know the cost price, it really is daylight robbery.
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Thanks again everyone.
When I had my Sky+HD box 2 weeks ago from Sky there was a HDMI cable in it ,after I had brought one to be ready.
BTW you have had a good deal only 2 weeks ago I had to pay £15 to install it myself and no free days.

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Sky HD. Is it worth it?

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