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Sir Winstons Statue Defaced

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R1Geezer | 10:09 Fri 10th Dec 2010 | News
54 Answers
Do these little thugs not realise that it is because of the activiies of people like Sir Winston that they are free to vandilise his statue?


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There has been several threads re rioting and different views on the response and actions of the police force. This behaviour is only going to encourage a more forceful approach by the police and the clashing will put innocent and peaceful protestors in harms way. These thugs are not only de-tracting focus from the issues that the protests are aiming to tackle, but people are going to get hurt and property destroyed. If they have no regard for the churchill statue, whats next?
national service! sort 'em all out - seeing as they're too poor to go to uni anyway.
Good one Booldawg.
To think these thugs are the future, the elite group who want a university education - bunch of clowns!
What I dont understand is why we dont use the hoses.

They use them in Bruxelles so it cant be agains their 'ooman rights and as its freezing that would soon put paid tho the riots.
Quite agree Water Cannons and Smoke Bombs would sort them out.

If not bring back the good old Rubber Bullets.
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Churchill would`nt let Welsh miners go and fight for their country, he told them to get back down the mines, if they refused to go his instructions were to shoot them. Deface away!
Supa, Can you please give a reference to your assertion?
Supa, I'm still waiting for you to substatiate your slander against Winston Churchill.
a bit of background here, Khandro

Yes jno, but it is a far cry from saying that if they refused to go down the mines he 'issued instructions to shoot them' Thanks for the contribution anyway.

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Sir Winstons Statue Defaced

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