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Night night everyone♥

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Mamyalynne | 02:48 Tue 14th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
The weather is due to turn yet again, I wish you all safe passage as you go about your duties ♥


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I was there that night...
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Oh Mark, please don't take this the wrong way, but I have missed your presence.

So good to speak, even though am about to wend my way to my bed.♥
wish I could go
Question Author
Well Jaydah funny you should mention that but, no I never would! My late husband was here from the States and we met. he proposed, my answer was 'I am not going there, so am not the girl for you' - he stayed and we were married 34 years ♥
that's so romantic mamya. Didn't you ever visit his family there ? I could really do with taking up my invite to LA but DIL would go berserk. Commitments, eh !

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Night night everyone♥

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