well, guys, im new so im just gunna give my honest opinion. ive read it threw, and you seem to have agreed that people shouldn't be getting this money, shouldnt be gettin benefits, and shouldn't be going to the cinema or playing video games. why dont we set the record, here? being 16, you are still considered a child by law, but you STILL have to pay taxes on food, drinks, ciggaretes. so all theire life, if they have bought sometthing with pocket money, or money given to them, it goes back into they system. if they get paid to go to sixth form or college, this will hightn there job aspects, allowing them to make more money, wich will then be SPENT and go back into the system, and go to the next lot of students. Even if the students only go to sixth form to get the money, they swill still be learning, and therefore will be hightening there aspects . The system keeps itself working. to answer your question, molly, yes, less people will be going to college, but that means the ones who DO go there and sixth form will be the ones that will work hard and want to learn instead of just dossing. and all you guys out there talking about ema like its a bad thing, it was introduced so that it would lower teenagers like me into the world of reality, as when you get the ema, most parents will make you buy your own things, Etc., and this will get you away from most home comforts, and make you beggin to realise life wont just do what you want. life isnt your bitch. it wont bend over for you, you have to work hard to get anywere, and ema is given to you if you work hard and attend all lessons, punctually, so it makes you start working for it, more gently than being thrown into a nine till five job. because some people dont know what to do with there lives, and stay on in sixth form/college, to decide wht they want with there life, rather than working in a co-op, (wich, btw, you need 3 a*-c gcse's to work in) and if you people actually kept up with news, you would know EMA is being a