For the first time in my entire life I'm 'on my own' this Xmas but will be spending it with my sister and family. What do other people do as I can't see myself going to my sister's every year? I'm thinking Salvation Army, Red Cross, why not a holiday ... what do you ABers, who are on their own, do at this time of year? Saying this I will be on my own for New Year, but that won't be a problem really....
what s the big deal? its a kids holiday, so usually after you´ve grown out of childhood, and lost the santa myth, it then just becomes another day, doesn´t it.
I've spent many christmas's where technically I'm on my own but am harassed or made to feel guilty so end up doing the rounds at mum and step-dads and then dad and his Mrs's house, (my birthday is also around christmas time) and frankly I would rather have been left alone than forced to trapse all over london because I felt guilty about my family worrying about me being alone at christmas. To avoide this last year I went to Australia to visit my sister... A bit drastic but I enjoyed it. Still got dragged around my sisters exes family for christmas visits though! This year I'm stopping in with the man hostage and using work as an excuse for not having time to visit anyone, next year I will be an auntie for the first time so perhaps will be more excited about christmas.