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Balls ... are they attractive?

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joggerjayne | 17:53 Sun 19th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Amongst the tree decorations that the girls rejected as being "too old fashioned" are some strings of gold balls.

Are they attractive?

Do I drape them on the tree?

Or do they meet Mr Wheelie Bin ??


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Balls ... are they attractive?

Are you being deliberately provocative?
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Alcoholism in the older lady is never attractive mike.
I have balls on my tree, all shapes and sizes. Some are older than others.

(If you don't want them, give them to Age Concern, don't bin 'em.)
I bought one of those glass balls with snow in it that you turn upside down. Mine has a little plow in it that comes out and does the roads.
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CAS ...

Never confuse alcoholism" with "enjoys a drink"


"older lady" with "girl in her early 40s"


So ... attractive, or no ?
Bit cutting there Count.........and you weren't even talking about me.
Question Author
Boxy ... I'm not sure Age Concern's target donation is used balls !
We have all gold decorations, most of which are sparkly or have diamonte on them, we have them in the shape of; balls, parcels, leaves, christmas treees and various weird spirally shapes.
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I like catz but I wouldn't have these http://www.merryfield...DECORATIONS-c-32.html
Sorry JJ. The rule of thumb is, if you have santas on your tree then do not separate him from his baubles.
Question Author
I'll bear that one in mind, CAS

Good job I don't have a webcam, otherwise I could put this question beyond doubt.

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Balls ... are they attractive?

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