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What's your opinion on Jim Reeves?

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Bbbananas | 16:24 Wed 22nd Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Distant Drums is on the radio - reminds me of when I was a child & dad used to play Jim Reeves records. And whatever my dad loved, then I loved. Bimbo where's your little daddy-o, I Love You Because and I Won't Forget You..... pure nostalgia.

I didn't quite realise the poignancy at the time though, of dad playing "He'll Have To Go" to my mother - at the time she was having it away with the primary school headmaster. I think that was his way of letting my mother know her secret wasn't so secret.....


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Harmless enough. I more or less grew up with him as my Mum used to play his records all the time.
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My Mum always loved Jim Reeves and Vic Damone. I have always had a secret love of Yonder Comes a Sucker. Bit of a rip-roarer for Reeves!
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awwwww salla , like you I was bought up on Jim Reeves songs, with a smattering of Slim Whitman , Don Williams and a few others, all melancholy but beautiful all the same x
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