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Fireworks already

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albaqwerty | 22:55 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
goodly grief, it's a tad early don't ya think.

Second loud bang of the night, fireworks-wise that is.


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oh I forgot about fireworks! I was off to bed cos I'm at work in the morning! It also reminds me that it's the first New Year since 1994 that I haven't a dog here to have to sedate because of the fireworks : (
Do you know went to get my jim jams on and have missed one bang already.Doesn't look good for 2011.!!!
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oh dotty, I've been following posts about your beloved pets and I'm so sorry. xx

And working tomorrow is not fair. Hope 2011 is better for you.
Oh here's hoping too ! My 2 new cats are really brilliant and so it's not all bad! I;m even tempted to go for a 3rd one as these have settled in so well and been no bother at all and the rescue are desperate.
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I once was a slave to 3 cats and loved every second of their company. If you can, go for it.

(They do tend to bring visitors tho, of their own species and others lol)
Wait til the summer Dot...when they get fleas :-(
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and flea collars don't work

hi ummmmm x
Hiya alba...xx

No they don't work.
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are you kiddie free tonight ummm? I think I read somewhere that it was just you and the OH. Same here, OH is out for the count (not through drink I hasten to add)

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Fireworks already

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