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Why do guys do this?

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kawii23 | 17:00 Sun 19th Dec 2010 | Relationships & Dating
33 Answers
Why do guys tickle girls? I was talking to my bf and my cousins were tickling me and he said "well sometime I'm gonna have to come over and tickle you"


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Sqad. Little bit of friendly advice - your posts aren't coming across too well.
CAS too well?........for whom?
Question Author
Haha ^
Oh well it got a laugh.
Just the one CAS!
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Your questions were kinda implying that we did stuff. Like when you asked then what happened.
It's just something cute that we like to do, nothing serious
men tickle woman because they wanna touch them , when you think of it men are tactile creatures ha mind you l have tickled a few ha ha
sorry, I cant read this thread without conjurng up images of Ken Dodd
Unwanted tickling is sexual assault. No two ways about it.

After a bad experience being tickled I have warned anyone threatening to tickle me that I consider it a sexual assault and would take the matter to the police if they were to proceed.
Other way round with me. I've been cuddling a woman and flinched (ticklish you see). When they find out I am ticklish, they start to tickle me!

My old gf used to love me tickling her fancy : )
its called having a good old grope or a good feel

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