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Find out what email a fb account is signed up to?

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_sophie_ | 20:00 Sat 08th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Can you/how do you find out what email address a facebook account is signed up to?


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Send them an email on FB without adding them to your friends list. They can see your account and you can see theirs for a month.
Try and hang out with your brother and his friend a bit rather than the FB thing. My friend kept checking up on a guy that she liked on FB and it drove her mad as he was conversing with other girls in a flirty manner.
It does sound very stalker like and I have to say, if I knew someone had found out my details in that way I'd be horrified and want to stay well away from them.

Generally, I'd just be tempted to message him or try and get to speak to him if you go and see your brother or similar, I'm sure you can think of something (sensible) you could maybe ask him to get to talk to him.

But, if I remember right, you're still at school or were quite recently? So the age gap is a lot more highlighted (imo anyway), coupled with you being his mate, and flatmate's, little sister.

Maybe indulge in a bit of a crush in your imagination but stay well away from doing anything remotely stalkerlike and maybe look at boys closer to your age/more obtainable.
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Ok, well first of all it would just be weird.
Yes I'm still at school.
Im 15, my brother is 21, the guy is 19. If i told my brother it would just be plain weird. No thanks!
That's what i hate... by the time im 19/21 a 4 year age gap is not a big difference! Why does it matter so much now?

Look I know nothing is going to happen it's probs just a crush but it's nice to imagine it will. I have seen him looking at me aswell. Ok, so im 15 and pretty young to date.. I don't really want to date until 17/18 realistically. Just be friendly with him though?! Hahahaha. God i'm SO glad this anonymous!!
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Earlier today I was wishing that I was a teenager again (I am 47) but after reading this thread I remember how complicated it all was. And I had to live with my parents.

Me too Wolf :) The hormones and way to much time overthink things and crushes which start off fun then just make you miserable...ok, so it's not like it all stops but it is different haha!

The age gap thing will probably make more sense when you get older, not much help now but I don't think you see it so much until you are older and look back. Mind you, if you think about it, 4 years younger than you is 11! You can change so much so quickly when you're young.

I'm not saying it can't happen, I had a boyfriend in his early 20s when I was about 16/17 but it is a big gap and he got a hell of a lot of flack for it, I could see why when I got to that age. I couldn't have contemplated seeing someone that young, still at school etc... from after leaving school itself.

All things considered though, maybe one to keep in the imagination.

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