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eugenepious | 19:07 Sun 09th Jan 2011 | Crosswords
6 Answers
Hi all,

2 down, sheet iron coated in metal. (3,5) ?????a?e.
4 down, cut back, economise, (7,4,4) ?????e?o?e?b???.
17 down, one of eight children, (8) o?t?????.
22 down, displace, weed out, (6) u?????.
10 across, the flat part of the side of the head, (6) ?e???e.
11 across, recklessly, dertermined, (4,4) ????b?n?,
25 across, cardinal numbers, (6) ?h?e?s.

Thank you.


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4d] tighten ones belt
17d] octuplet
11a hell bent
10a temple
10a] uproot?
11] hell bent
25] threes
17d) Octuplet
22d) uproot
25a) threes?
2d) laminate?

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