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Alvin And The Chipmunks...

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NoMercy | 21:43 Fri 14th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Or a Gin and Tonic and a cigarette.

You decide x


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Hi Nom, long time no see!

Neither for me, please - we're watching QI with the catz.
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Hi Boxy, hope you're keeping well.

I suffered AATC overload in the Isle Of Wight a couple of weeks ago, but to be perfectly honest, I could never get sick of G&Ts. lol
I guess you can, NoM - a bit like too much Pinky & Perky, LOL.
Hi NoMercy. Definitely G & T, although I am slightly hungover from last night at the moment and cannot face a vodka at the moment.
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You're a woman after my own heart, Jan. I may have to go pour a very large drinky poos if I am to tolerate the abuse that Bobjugs will inevitably dish out tonight.
You can tell I'm hungover. I have too many "at the moments" in my post. Never mind, I have had my say on Bob's thread.
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But was it a good night, Jan?
Sorry NoMercy, popped off for a while. Yes it was a good night so worthwhile.
Well because smoking is a pastime for fools. it looks like Alan and the chipmunks.
who ever they are.
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Hiya Mick, long time no see. Sorry I missed you. I was lured away by a great big drink and a cigarette. :-)

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