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am a granny

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petal54 | 20:15 Sat 15th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
we've become first time grand parents,yesterday evening,a girl,7lbs 1oz.called Nancy.she seems to have good lungs,or so it appeared when she got her daddy to phone us up.seen a pic,v.cute,lots of hair,so doesn't look like Churchill


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Let me be the first on AB to congratulate you all.
Congratulations to you all
congrats petal

would love to see the picture of her if she had looked like Churchill, replete with his bowler, v-sign and Havana.......
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Oh Petal what great news,it is a glorious feeling isn't it?

I was presented with number 4 a grandson last Sunday, do enjoy Nancy.

Love Mamya♥
One amusing story about being a Gran

My young granddaughter called the other day to wish me Happy Birthday. She asked me how old I was, and I told him, 62. My grandsdaughter was quiet for a moment, and then she asked, "Did you start at 1?"
Many congratulations to all and a big welcome to Nancy x
Congratulations! I hope all is and remains well for you all:)
congrats petal! x
Fab news -great name-great weight and proud grandparents.What more could she ask for ? Delighted for you all :)
Aww congrats :o)
congratulations x
Awww, congratulations Petal xxx
How lovely and how lucky you are.
Great news - I'm a granny too, and I can tell you its great fun.
congrats petal you and Mamyalynne should have a party
She will steal your heart away and you can spoil her all you like then give her back to Mummy and Daddy!!!
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many thanks folks,hope to visit new arrival next week-end.her Dad is 1 of 9,not all ours,so expect she'll have a large fan base,she's on face book already

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am a granny

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