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Bothick | 22:47 Mon 17th Jan 2011 | Food & Drink
31 Answers
Is there a definition for a sandwich made with the two end slices of bread? (crusts)


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I don't call it an endwich, I call it a shame
We always called them toppers. I love them. I save the ones on our bread for me.
Interesting versions of a crusty sandwich, I would only toast the crusts not use them for a sandwich. I'll pass on Crustbut, sorry mamya. Your nibbles are nice though.
Ok Crustbut (we call a sandwich a butty here, no undie connotations LOL) is retired, I salute the 'Endwich'©
Edgewise ?
Quite like Crustbut now Mamya LOL
That'll learn me

Thudddddddddddddddddddddd ®
mamy, get up of the floor and stop being so dramatic . lol
'tis merely the sound of heads landing on desks anne - do not fret ☺
welcome to the MOFC(affiliated)

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