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I over stepped the mark!

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jd_1984 | 13:02 Fri 28th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Looks like the amusing elephant video was a bit too much, as the thread has gone ooops!


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Come again?
Never mind....

We use to have stats on here that showed our removed questions and answers tally. I was just off 1000 removed answers when the stats disappeared. Gutted...I planned a party and everything..
Naz..................don't LOL
lol ^
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Lol Naz
Haha Naz :-)
I didn't even watch it ... reading the thread was enough.
ha ha it was very amusing --would watch again if it was still there
Now, if jd had posted a video of baby elephants, everyone would've said, "awwwwww", but post a video of how they're made and it gets removed. Dumb?
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There should be an over 18 section on here where you can post slightly "adult" humor, I dont mean filthy stuff just amusing vids such as the one I posted, which was in hindsight a little beyond the line that is obviously set on here!
The same people that removed it would happily watch an Attenborough programme about it ... one of life's little mysteries.
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And that vid was on Youtube and not restricted at all?
-- answer removed --
its only nature! see it on the nature programmes all the time. No problem
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And my intention was to post a humorous vid, albeit sexual in content, it was bloomin elephenahts and v.funny, I didnt think it would offend.
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I am going to shoot myself in the foot here, but look at the thread I posted titled "Best Job In The World" in CB and tell me whats more offensive, this or elephants getting jiggy!!
what's grey and comes in pints?
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I over stepped the mark!

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