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Railway station or Train station?

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hellywelly4 | 10:51 Mon 07th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
It's curious how names change. I asked two young teenagers where the railway station was yesterday, as I'd taken a wrong turn. Blank looks. Then I asked where the train station was, 'It's over there'.

Is it me?? When did it stop being a railway station?


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Garth doesn't sing about trains so will have to make do
Oh Mrs O, how terribly cumbersome for you. What have things come to?
I was wondering jno!! (about the country thing!)

I have been on the North York Moors steam train on many occasions and the Norfolk Poppy Line. Definitely Railway Stations - very old ones!!
Anyone remember the infamous British Rail pork pies and stewed tea?
Simply dreadful, salla

BTW, when are you going to get rid of that diseased willie avatar?
McMouse....LOL...too true.....I think "Wells Fargo" comes to mind.

Actually....the sqad forefathers were all labourers on the land in the Fens and when the railways came at the end of the 19th century, they moved to the railways.

I, sqad, was a porter on Peterborough North Station for 16 weeks.....cushy number it was too.
Good training for your job as Hospital Head Porter though Sqaddy!!
they must've been a right pair of dullards. Even though they may never have heard it referred to as a 'railway station' surely its suggestive enough to give them a clue?
I always call them train stations, but would know what you meant by railway station.

How come you can train a person to drive trains, coach a person to drive coaches, but you can not bus a person to drive buses?
Maybe you shoud have asked for the rheilffordd stesion......they may have understood you.
You cheapskate, mrs overall. One could employ 'staaaff' to assist one in these trifling matters.

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Railway station or Train station?

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